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Learn & Discuss Best Practices
with Other Athletic Professionals

It is now taken for granted that a good Athletic Director should understand the nuances of operations, facilities management, scheduling, transportation, officials, uniforms, budgets, etc.


The truly great Athletic Director, however, has mastered an array of additional skills. Our Virtual Workshops provide today's Athletic Directors with the knowledge and skills to navigate the critical issues that factor into a student's athletic experience. such as Name, Image & Likeness (NIL), club teams, social media, strength & conditioning, nutrition, sports psychology, total wellness, marketing/branding, sports performance technology, enrollment pressures, working collaboratively with admissions departments, and the role of athletics in concert with academics and the arts. Our workshops are highly interactive, giving athletic administrators the opportunity to ask questions and receive expert advice on the topics that matter most to them.ics and the arts.

Our Workshops

General Workshops

These 8 workshops focus on the critical issues facing today's independent school athletic administrators.

Cost $495 - includes all 8 sessions 

Length 1 Hour


For  Female Athletic Administrators

We are offering 7 additional workshops focusing on issues that have a significant impact on female athletic administrators. These workshop topic titles are shown in red.

Cost: $245 - includes 7 sessions 

Length 1 Hour

Questions: Email Carol Hatton:

If you miss (or are unable to attend) a workshop, all workshops will be recorded and available for viewing at a later date.


About Carol Hatton, CAA

The Workshops will be led by Finney Search Group consultant, Carol Hatton. Carol served as the Director of Athletics at Roland Park Country School in Baltimore, MD for nine years, where she was a member of the senior leadership team. With an average of nearly 80% of Middle School students and 70% of Upper School students playing at least one sport, Carol had an enormous impact on the journeys of hundreds of student-athletes and coaches at RPCS.  Under her leadership, RPCS earned 16 league championships and over 200 athletes were named IAAM All-Conference. In January of 2020, she was named IAAM Athletic Director of the Year by the Maryland State Athletic Directors Association, representing District 10.

“The Finney Search Group is comprised of special people. Bo, Sherm, Chris, Trey and Carol have impressive backgrounds that allow them to understand the needs of the institution and its stakeholders. They are passionate about contributing to the development of leaders within the independent school landscape, and their leadership experiences and network across independent schools run deep,”  

Shannon Soares, Director of Athletics
The Westminster Schools, Atlanta, GA



All Workshops start at 1:00pm EST. 

October 21, 2024

How to Build a Culture of Mental Wellness for Student-Athletes

"Person Before Player" experts Dr. Hessler and Casey Kutner will guide you through a three-pronged approach to building mental resilience in student-athletes. Learn how to work collaboratively with athletes, coaches, and parents to create a supportive, wellness-focused culture. Participants will gain practical strategies to promote mental health and address the unique challenges faced by student-athletes today.

November 4, 2024

How to Address Perfectionism in Student-Athletes

Perfectionism and anxiety are common hurdles for today’s athletes. In this session, you’ll discover how to identify and minimize the impact of perfectionism on student performance. Learn to differentiate between mental health concerns and common wellness issues, and take away best practices for reducing anxiety while helping athletes maximize their potential.

November 18, 2024

How to Build Resilience and Handle Adversity

Resilience is essential for athletic success, but many athletes struggle with handling discomfort. This session provides evidence-based methods to build resilience and improve distress tolerance. You’ll gain tools to help student-athletes face adversity head-on and grow stronger from challenges.

For Female Athletic Administrators

September 21, 2023

Leverage Your Leadership Strengths

We can measure those treasured intangibles that everyone seeks in high-performing teams. We'll take the StrengthsFinder, debrief as a group, and practice using your strengths in your role.
Guest: Maureen Monte, author, team and leadership consultant

October 12, 2023

Great Escape from Comfort Castle

Nothing good happens in Comfort Castle, and trouble will find you! We can train to leave our comfort zone and manage the negative self-talk that sabotages our success.
Guest: Maureen Monte, author, team and leadership consultant

November 3, 2023

Powerful Women Win at The Game Of Life

Titles don't make women powerful; behavior does. We'll explore powerful women behaviors and define your next steps on your path to greatness.
Guest Maureen Monte, author, team and leadership consultant

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