Receive a thorough, objective analysis of your most critical programs
At The Finney Search Group, we bring decades of experience and expertise to serve independent schools with unique solutions tailored to their complex and ever-changing needs. Our program assessment focuses on understanding and aligning to the heart of each school's mission statement and purpose for being, while also addressing today's complex and challenging issues such as curriculum development, student and faculty wellness initiatives, meaningful professional development, and academic support.
Our assessment is designed to provide a thorough overview of your school's entire program, complete with commendations and recommendations. Whether your goals are to prepare for a formal accreditation or to achieve the objectives of your long-range plan and mission statement, our assessment service can help you get there.

Our Process

Pre-Visit Discovery
Pre-Visit Virtual Meeting
1-2 Day On-Campus Visit
Post-Visit Virtual Meeting
Written Assessment/Report
Areas of Assessment
Upper School Programs
Leadership Team
Curriculum Offerings
Student Support & Wellness
Daily Schedule
Discipline & Behavior
College Counseling
Hiring Process
Professional Development
Other (as desired by the school)
Relationships with
Athletic Department
Communications & Marketing
Office of Community Service
DEI Office
Admissions Department
Advancement Department

Call Rob Heubeck at 410-652-3606 or email rheubeck@thefinneysearchgroup.com
to inquire about assessment topics, fee structures, etc.

About Rob Heubeck
The Workshops will be led by Finney Search Group consultant, Rob Heubeck. Rob has recently retired as Head of Upper School at Gilman School, where, among other things, he has been instrumental in implementing a student-centered daily schedule, creating an academic support program, supporting a faculty/student wellness program, and helping to develop a restorative justice program in collaboration with the school’s Office of Community, Inclusion, and Equity.